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Journal of New Zealand Grasslands
Research and Practice Series
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Research Article
Research Article
130 Items
Novel, robustly designed empirical studies
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Effect of modern red clover & nitrogen fertiliser on yield, quality and botanical composition of a hybrid ryegrass sward
Fraser Harrison, Blake Gunn, Sam Anderson, Luke Visser, Sarah Mckenzie, Allister Moorhead, Grace Ehoche
Assessing the validity of sensor-based predictions of post-grazing residual in dairy systems
Wayne Hofmann
Investigating the impact of treading damage on the plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) content and performance of a plantain/ perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) pasture over two years.
Sam Wilson, Daniel Donaghy, David Horne, Soledad Navarrete, Peter Kemp
Impacts of winter crop choice and ewe body condition score change on whole farm profitability and production
Anna Taylor, David Stevens, Sue McCoard
Silvopastoral agroforestry systems for dryland corners in Canterbury farms
Sandra Velarde-Pajares, Kyle Wills, Kyle Wills, Istvan Hajdu, Trent Tipene, Electra Kalaugher
The environmental performance of a pasture and baleage wintering system on a poorly drained soil in southern New Zealand
Priscilla Simon, Rebecca Cumming, Chris Smith, Fleur Srey, Alison Rutherford, Ross Monaghan
Combining positional data with climatic and landscape data to understand the interaction of cattle with their environment
Alison Spera, Zoe Halls, David Stevens, Esther D. Meenken, Warren McG. King, Peter Pletnyakov, Sarah Adams, Steven Tickner
Subterranean clover growth responded to grass suppression, phosphorus and molybdenum fertilisers in a summer dry hill environment
Sonya Olykan, Dick, Malcolm Smith, Derrick Moot
Regenerative management effects on pasture production: initial data from a dryland farmlet experiment
Kaitlin Watson, James Moir, Alistair Black, Derrick Moot
Can additives or controlled release coating improve the nitrogen use efficiency of urea fertiliser
Racheal H. Bryant, Jack Greig, Mancoba Mangwe
Regenerative grazing practices and the sustainability of a beef production system in New Zealand
Gerald Cosgrove, Alec Mackay, Emma Noakes, Brian Devantier, Rachel Cole, Irirangi Warbrick, Greg Hart, Sarah Rosanowski
Automating dairy farm grazing records using GPS technology
Wayne Hofmann
Spring growth of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) after different times of winter defoliation
Lauren Jones, Annamaria Mills, Derrick Moot
Bulk milk urea as an indicator of herd dietary nitrogen surplus and nitrogen use efficiency on Canterbury dairy farms.
Roshean Woods, Ina (J. B.) Pinxterhuis, Barbara Kuhn-Sherlock, Nicole M. Wheadon, Paul
Clover and grass foliar nutrient responses to phosphorus and molybdenum fertilisers, and herbicide application on a summer dry hill pasture
Sonya Olykan, Richard Lucas, Malcolm Smith, Derrick Moot
Exploring potential dairy and arable farm system integration to enhance nutrient circularity: A case study analysis from Oamaru's coastal plains
Exploring nutrient Ccrcularity: A case study of dairy and arable integration
Banira Lombardi, Robyn A. Dynes, Chris Dennison, Anna L. Taylor, Tony J. van der Weerden
Influence of diverse pasture species and reduced nitrogen fertiliser inputs on soil health on four irrigated Canterbury dairy pastures
Nicole L Schon, Alec D. Mackay, Mike Dodd, Ray A. Moss, Georgina Laurenson, Anna Taylor, Allister Moorhead
Evaluating management strategies for a pasture-based extended lactation system with 24-month calving intervals
Lydia Farrell, Paul Edwards, Pierre Beukes, Chris Glassey
Pasture formulation for optimised yield and weed suppression under sheep grazing and irrigation in Canterbury
Arul Shampasivam, Alistair Black, Derrick Moot
Endophyte mixture effects on ryegrass staggers in sheep
Andrew Milsom, Alistair Black, Racheal Bryant, Colin Eady
Survival of white clover rhizobium isolate S11N9 in different delivery systems: assessment of potential for commercialisation
Shengjing Shi, Laura Villamizar, Elissa Barrett, John Caradus, Maureen O'Callaghan
Nitrogen leaching losses from pasture and winter forage crops in the West Matukituki Valley
Chris Smith, Ross Monoghan, Chris Arbuckle
Condensed tannin expression in white clover leaves for enhanced animal health benefits
Marissa Roldan, Derek Woodfield, John Caradus, Greig Cousins, Elizabeth Barr, Rupinder Kaur, Christine Voisey
Adequacy of equations used to calculate urinary nitrogen contribution to total nitrogen excreted by ruminants
Ronaldo Eduardo Vibart, David Pacheco
The economic impacts of declining pasture harvest on Northland and Waikato dairy farms
Benjamin Marmont, Mark Neal, Elena Minnee
Legume yield and persistence when sown in grass and herb pasture mixes in Lees Valley, South Island High Country
Sonya Olykan, Annamaria Mills, Dick, Malcolm Smith, Derrick Moot
Variation in kale and fodder beet yield and quality over winter affects nutrient supply to non-lactating dairy cows at the Southern Dairy Hub
Nicole M Wheadon, Dawn E Dalley, Roshean R Woods
Fodder beet: know what you are feeding for a nutritionally balanced diet for dairy cattle
Roshean Woods, Dawn E. Dalley, J. Paul Edwards, H. Glenn Judson
Developing a multiagent framework to explore the implications of fencing waterways using virtual fencing on New Zealand hill country farms.
Lisa Box, Jamie Ward, Irena Obadovic, Katherine Tozer, David Stevens
Implications of changing birth and slaughter dates of finishing sheep and beef cattle on greenhouse gas emissions
David Stevens, Mike D. Rollo, Ronaldo E. Vibart, Jane Chrystal, Brian Speirs, Rob Davison, Andrew Burtt
Are observed rates of productivity compared to model predictions indicating negative climate impacts in perennial plants?
Alec Mackay, Kathryn Hutchinson, John Moore, Mike Dodd, Yue Lin, Paul Muir, Chris Smith, Ronaldo Vibart, Franco Bilotto
An assessment of the agronomic effectiveness of N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) - treated urea on the production of clover-based pastures, pastures, grasses and crops.
Douglas Edmeades, Robert McBride
Factors influencing pastoral farmers' land-use change decisions in response to environmental regulations in the Selwyn District, Canterbury
Ashleigh van Uffelen, Xiaomeng K. S. Lucock, Alison P. Bailey
Predicting facial eczema risks in a changing New Zealand climate
Craig Phillips, Patricia Johnson, Federico Tomasetto, Kathryn McRae, Tony Van der Weerden
Farm-level cost-effectiveness analysis of in-paddock feeding of methane inhibitors in pasture-based dairy
Benjamin Marmont, Zack Dorner, David Silva-Villacorta, Callum Eastwood, Elena Minnee, Mark Neal
Obstacles and opportunities for automation in sheep and beef farming
David Stevens, Anna L. Taylor, Tracy A Nelson
Co-benefits and trade-offs of water quality mitigation measures on greenhouse gas emissions from New Zealand dairy systems
Chris Smith, Tony van der Weerden, Diana Selbie
Plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) content within plantain/ perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) pastures may be limited by livestock treading damage
Sam Wilson, Daniel Donaghy, David Horne, Soledad Navarrete, Peter Kemp
Māori cultural values and soil fertility management – an exploratory study
Xiaomeng Lucock, Jim Moir, Diane Ruwhiu
The impact of a forage plant breeder – the story of Herrick Sydney (Syd) Easton (1946 - 2023)
John Caradus, John Hay, Phil Rolston, David Hume, Marty Faville, Derek Woodfield
Deep insertion of lime into acid organic soils
Jeff Morton
Pasture production: a compilation of historical datasets from farms in Bay of Plenty
Derrick Moot, Carmen Teixeira, Martin Hawke
Drought impacts African black beetle feeding on perennial ryegrass
Katrin Gabriela Hewitt, Craig B. Phillips, Rainer W. Hofmann, Olivier J. Ball, Dongwen Luo, Alison J. Popay
Pasture growth curve impacts the economic merit of extended lactation: a simulation study
Lydia Farrell, Kirsty Verhoek, Paul Edwards
Stacking nitrogen leaching mitigations in a Canterbury dairy system whilst minimising profitability losses.
Taisekwa Lordwell Chikazhe, Pierre Beukes, Racheal Bryant, Jacobus Kok, Stewart Ledgard, J.Paul Edwards, Claire Phyn
Hill Country Futures - Resilient farmers and resilient forages for the future
Suzanne Keeling, Mhairi Sutherland , Derrick Moot, Katherine Dixon, Angela McFetridge, Nathan Odgers, James Millner, Joan Ropiha, Cameron Ludemann, Adam Barker, Daniel Brier
Yield and persistence of legume monocultures grown in the Lees Valley, South Island High Country
Sonya Olykan, Annamaria Mills, Dick, Malcolm Smith, Derrick Moot
Condition of the soil resource and provision of ecosystem services from a Brazilian Oxidic soil under conventional and integrated livestock-based systems
Gustavo Pereira Valani, Aline Fachin Martíni, José Ricardo Macedo Pezzopane, Alberto Carlos de Campos Bernardi, Patrícia Perondi Anchão Oliveira, Miguel Cooper, Alec Mackay, Estelle Dominati
Understanding pathways of digital technology development to improve farm sustainability and resilience.
David Stevens, Warren McG. King, Esther D. Meenken, Jamie F. Ward
The case for expanding the range of subject specialists used in farm planning.
Alec Mackay, David Scobie, Rebecca Hyde, Anna Nelson
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